He Carried Tins Of Paint Onto The Rooftop, When I Saw Why… Speechless
LifeBuzz I Art
After a long day a nap is in order.
People in France have giants sleeping on top of their houses and don’t even know it. Street artists Ella & Pitr use the rooftops of buildings as their canvas to paint huge sleeping Goliaths. As it turns out, we may have something in common with the exhausted titans: we too make the most out of the limited space we have in our beds. Although people cannot see the paintings even if they are standing on their roofs. A camera drone or an airplane view will be the only methods to truly enjoy their work. The French duo began combining their talents in 2007 and since then they have painted the large people in France, Chile, Portugal, and Canada. You may want to check your roof one day. Who knows, the snores you hear at night may not be your partner’s after all
An aerial view of the large scale painting.
Giants make the most out of their cramped, sleeping quarters.
Ella & Pitr's work can be found in France, Portugal, Chile, and Canada.
You may want to check out your roof!